# Reload configuration with r key bind-key r source-file $HOME/.tmux.conf bind-key R source-file /etc/tmux.conf # Split window with | or - unbind-key % bind-key | split-window -h bind-key - split-window -v # Resize windows with arrow keys bind-key Left resizep -L bind-key Down resizep -D bind-key Up resizep -U bind-key Right resizep -R set -g status-fg white set -g status-bg default set -g status-justify centre set -g status-left '#(whoami)@#(hostname)' set -g status-left-fg colour023 set -g status-left-bg default set -g status-left-length 30 set -g status-right "#(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}')" set -g status-right-fg colour023 set -g status-right-bg default # set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" # tmux-256color instead of screen-256color enables italics set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color" # Tc enables true color set -ag terminal-overrides ",*256col*:colors=256:Tc" # Ms modifies OSC 52 clipboard handling to work with mosh, see # https://gist.github.com/yudai/95b20e3da66df1b066531997f982b57b #set -ag terminal-overrides "vte*:XT:Ms=\\E]52;c;%p2%s\\7,xterm*:XT:Ms=\\E]52;c;%p2%s\\7" set-option -ag terminal-overrides ",tmux-256color:Ms=\\E]52;c;%p2%s\\7" # enable OSC 52 clipboard # https://medium.freecodecamp.org/tmux-in-practice-integration-with-system-clipboard-bcd72c62ff7b set -g set-clipboard on setw -g aggressive-resize on